New Zealand Local Weather Network
Mesomap of New Zealand Weather Network Stations

 Temperature   Dew Point   Humidity   Wind Direction and Speed/Gust   Rain Today   Pressure and Trend   Current Condition   Name of the town 

19.9 °C DP 12.9 °C 64 % Wind from NWNW  9 G 19 km/h 0.0 mm 1006.6 hPaSteady Metar NZAA: Few Clouds Few Clouds Beachlands

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Belmont

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Camborne

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Colsons Hill

18.4 °C DP 17.6 °C 95 % Wind from EE  2 G 10 km/h 1.6 mm 1001.9 hPaSteady Gisborne West

19.8 °C DP 15.2 °C 75 % Wind from WSWWSW  11 G 4 km/h 0.0 mm 1007.5 hPaRising Slowly Clear Clear Grey Lynn

19.0 °C DP 16.2 °C 84 % Wind from NENE  4 G 11 km/h 0.0 mm 981.4 hPaSteady Hautere

20.1 °C DP 15.7 °C 76 % Wind from WSWWSW  10 G 34 km/h 0.0 mm 1006.4 hPaRising Slowly Metar NZAA: Few Clouds Few Clouds Howick

17.9 °C DP 12.0 °C 68 % Wind from SSWSSW  7 G 3 km/h 0.0 mm 1013.6 hPaRising Slowly Partly Cloudy Partly Cloudy Hunua

21.6 °C DP 16.1 °C 71 % Wind from SSWSSW  0 km/h 0.0 mm 1007.8 hPaRising Slowly Clear Clear Kerikeri

20.4 °C DP 16.4 °C 78 % Wind from NENE  6 G 7 km/h 0.0 mm 1011.3 hPaRising Slowly Dry Dry Lower Hutt

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Melville

19.7 °C DP 14.7 °C 73 % Wind from SWSW  7 G 13 km/h 0.0 mm 1000.8 hPaRising Slowly Clear Clear Morrinsville

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Mt. Roskill

20.5 °C DP 18.6 °C 89 % Wind from NN  0 km/h 0.0 mm 1004.3 hPaSteady Opotiki

20.7 °C DP 13.2 °C 62 % Wind from SSESSE  3 G 6 km/h 0.0 mm 1001.4 hPaSteady Otane

18.1 °C DP 14.6 °C 80 % Wind from WW  9 G 18 km/h 0.0 mm 1003.1 hPaSteady Palmerston North

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Paraonui

23.1 °C DP 7.2 °C 36 % Wind from NN  0 km/h 0.0 mm 1004.6 hPaRising Rapidly Clear Clear Pongakawa

20.9 °C DP 16.1 °C 74 % Wind from NWNW  5 G 16 km/h 0.0 mm 1007.5 hPaSteady Metar NZAA: Few Clouds Few Clouds Royal Oak

20.9 °C DP 16.8 °C 77 % Wind from SWSW  6 G 18 km/h 0.0 mm 1003.3 hPaSteady Sandy Bay

19.2 °C DP 17.4 °C 89 % Wind from WW  6 G 5 km/h 0.0 mm 1006.0 hPaRising Slowly Dry Dry Taipuha

19.6 °C DP 15.3 °C 76 % Wind from WNWWNW  3 G 13 km/h 0.0 mm 999.2 hPaSteady Taupiri

19.7 °C DP 15.8 °C 78 % Wind from SWSW  0 km/h 0.0 mm 1004.6 hPaSteady Te Awamutu

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Tokoroa North

19.3 °C DP 16.7 °C 85 % Wind from NENE  5 G 13 km/h 0.0 mm 1003.0 hPaSteady Waikawa Beach

19.7 °C DP 11.5 °C 59 % Wind from SWSW  5 G 16 km/h 2.7 mm 997.3 hPaRising Slowly Wairoa

18.9 °C DP 15.2 °C 79 % Wind from WW  21 G 23 km/h 0.0 mm 1006.1 hPaSteady Overcast Overcast West Coast Road

13.5 °C DP 11.9 °C 90 % Wind from WNWWNW  0 km/h 0.0 mm 1000.0 hPaRising Arthurs Pass

16.2 °C DP 13.5 °C 84 % Wind from SS  3 G 4 km/h 0.0 mm 1004.7 hPaRising Slowly Overcast Overcast Ashburton

16.3 °C DP -40.0 °C 1 % Wind from SS  16 G 40 km/h 0.0 mm 1004.0 hPaRising Slowly Bishopdale

16.4 °C DP 11.1 °C 71 % Wind from EE  2 G 8 km/h 0.0 mm 999.4 hPaRising Rapidly Metar NZCH: Overcast Overcast Castle Hill

11.3 °C DP 8.9 °C 85 % Wind from SS  8 G 18 km/h 7.0 mm 1006.6 hPaRising Slowly Dunedin

21.0 °C DP 11.9 °C 56 % Wind from WW  0 G 4 km/h 0.0 mm 1000.5 hPaRising Slowly Dry Dry Mahana

13.5 °C DP 9.0 °C 74 % Wind from SWSW  8 G 5 km/h 27.4 mm 1006.3 hPaRising Slowly Overcast Overcast Makarewa

22.9 °C DP 8.9 °C 41 % Wind from SSESSE  4 G 7 km/h 0.0 mm 1001.3 hPaSteady Marahau

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Opawa

19.3 °C DP 16.7 °C 85 % Wind from SSWSSW  10 G 21 km/h 0.2 mm 1002.9 hPaRising Slowly Sunny Sunny Pakawau

17.9 °C DP 17.7 °C 99 % Wind from ENEENE  0 G 4 km/h 0.0 mm 1011.9 hPaRising Slowly Metar NZCH: Overcast Overcast Port Levy

19.4 °C DP 15.9 °C 80 % Wind from SSWSSW  1 km/h 0.0 mm 998.9 hPaRising Slowly Dry Dry Port Robinson

18.2 °C DP 11.0 °C 63 % Wind from SESE  9 G 14 km/h 0.0 mm 1004.1 hPaRising Slowly Dry Dry Rangiora

12.7 °C DP 9.2 °C 79 % Wind from NN  2 G 7 km/h 14.6 mm 1007.9 hPaRising Slowly Stewart Island

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Takaka

17.9 °C DP 15.4 °C 85 % Wind from NNENNE  5 G 3 km/h 0.0 mm 1002.4 hPaRising Slowly Overcast Overcast Waitikiri

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Wanaka

-9.9 °C DP -16.8 °C 75 % Wind from SSWSSW  4 G 19 km/h 0.0 mm 1021.8 hPaFalling Slowly Komoka

Conditions data shown was collected
from Thu, 23-Jan-2025 20:30:12 NZDT to Thu, 23-Jan-2025 20:40:27 NZDT

The New Zealand Local Weather Network is an affiliation of personal weather Websites located in New Zealand. This station is proud to be a member of the NZ Local Weather Network.
Please take a moment to visit other stations on the network by clicking on the map above or clicking on the links below. The stations are displaying the weather conditions: Temperature, dew point, humidity, wind direction and speed/gust speed, today's rain, barometric pressure and trend, current conditions and the name of the city where the weather station is located.

Member stations of the New Zealand Local Weather Network

as of Tue, 24-Dec-2024 15:31:59 NZDT

Beachlands: 19.9°C, DP 12.9°C, 64%, NW 9 G 19 km/h, Rain: 0.0mm, Pressure: 1006.6hPa Steady, Metar NZAA: Few Clouds Belmont - No current conditions report Camborne - No current conditions report Colsons Hill - No current conditions report Gisborne West: 18.4°C, DP 17.6°C, 95%, E 2 G 10 km/h, Rain: 1.6mm, Pressure: 1001.9hPa Steady, Grey Lynn: 19.8°C, DP 15.2°C, 75%, WSW 11 G 4 km/h, Rain: 0.0mm, Pressure: 1007.5hPa Rising Slowly, Clear Hautere: 19.0°C, DP 16.2°C, 84%, NE 4 G 11 km/h, Rain: 0.0mm, Pressure: 981.4hPa Steady, Howick: 20.1°C, DP 15.7°C, 76%, WSW 10 G 34 km/h, Rain: 0.0mm, Pressure: 1006.4hPa Rising Slowly, Metar NZAA: Few Clouds Hunua: 17.9°C, DP 12.0°C, 68%, SSW 7 G 3 km/h, Rain: 0.0mm, Pressure: 1013.6hPa Rising Slowly, Partly Cloudy Kerikeri: 21.6°C, DP 16.1°C, 71%, SSW 0 km/h, Rain: 0.0mm, Pressure: 1007.8hPa Rising Slowly, Clear Lower Hutt: 20.4°C, DP 16.4°C, 78%, NE 6 G 7 km/h, Rain: 0.0mm, Pressure: 1011.3hPa Rising Slowly, Dry Melville - No current conditions report Morrinsville: 19.7°C, DP 14.7°C, 73%, SW 7 G 13 km/h, Rain: 0.0mm, Pressure: 1000.8hPa Rising Slowly, Clear Mt. Roskill - No current conditions report Opotiki: 20.5°C, DP 18.6°C, 89%, N 0 km/h, Rain: 0.0mm, Pressure: 1004.3hPa Steady, Otane: 20.7°C, DP 13.2°C, 62%, SSE 3 G 6 km/h, Rain: 0.0mm, Pressure: 1001.4hPa Steady, Palmerston North: 18.1°C, DP 14.6°C, 80%, W 9 G 18 km/h, Rain: 0.0mm, Pressure: 1003.1hPa Steady, Paraonui - No current conditions report Pongakawa: 23.1°C, DP 7.2°C, 36%, N 0 km/h, Rain: 0.0mm, Pressure: 1004.6hPa Rising Rapidly, Clear Royal Oak: 20.9°C, DP 16.1°C, 74%, NW 5 G 16 km/h, Rain: 0.0mm, Pressure: 1007.5hPa Steady, Metar NZAA: Few Clouds Sandy Bay, Port Charles: 20.9°C, DP 16.8°C, 77%, SW 6 G 18 km/h, Rain: 0.0mm, Pressure: 1003.3hPa Steady, Taipuha: 19.2°C, DP 17.4°C, 89%, W 6 G 5 km/h, Rain: 0.0mm, Pressure: 1006.0hPa Rising Slowly, Dry Taupiri: 19.6°C, DP 15.3°C, 76%, WNW 3 G 13 km/h, Rain: 0.0mm, Pressure: 999.2hPa Steady, Te Awamutu: 19.7°C, DP 15.8°C, 78%, SW 0 km/h, Rain: 0.0mm, Pressure: 1004.6hPa Steady, Tokoroa North - No current conditions report Waikawa Beach: 19.3°C, DP 16.7°C, 85%, NE 5 G 13 km/h, Rain: 0.0mm, Pressure: 1003.0hPa Steady, Wairoa: 19.7°C, DP 11.5°C, 59%, SW 5 G 16 km/h, Rain: 2.7mm, Pressure: 997.3hPa Rising Slowly, West Coast Road: 18.9°C, DP 15.2°C, 79%, W 21 G 23 km/h, Rain: 0.0mm, Pressure: 1006.1hPa Steady, Overcast Arthurs Pass: 13.5°C, DP 11.9°C, 90%, WNW 0 km/h, Rain: 0.0mm, Pressure: 1000.0hPa Rising, Ashburton: 16.2°C, DP 13.5°C, 84%, S 3 G 4 km/h, Rain: 0.0mm, Pressure: 1004.7hPa Rising Slowly, Overcast Bishopdale: 16.3°C, DP -40.0°C, 1%, S 16 G 40 km/h, Rain: 0.0mm, Pressure: 1004.0hPa Rising Slowly, Castle Hill: 16.4°C, DP 11.1°C, 71%, E 2 G 8 km/h, Rain: 0.0mm, Pressure: 999.4hPa Rising Rapidly, Metar NZCH: Overcast Dunedin: 11.3°C, DP 8.9°C, 85%, S 8 G 18 km/h, Rain: 7.0mm, Pressure: 1006.6hPa Rising Slowly, Mahana: 21.0°C, DP 11.9°C, 56%, W 0 G 4 km/h, Rain: 0.0mm, Pressure: 1000.5hPa Rising Slowly, Dry Makarewa: 13.5°C, DP 9.0°C, 74%, SW 8 G 5 km/h, Rain: 27.4mm, Pressure: 1006.3hPa Rising Slowly, Overcast Marahau: 22.9°C, DP 8.9°C, 41%, SSE 4 G 7 km/h, Rain: 0.0mm, Pressure: 1001.3hPa Steady, Opawa - No current conditions report Pakawau: 19.3°C, DP 16.7°C, 85%, SSW 10 G 21 km/h, Rain: 0.2mm, Pressure: 1002.9hPa Rising Slowly, Sunny Port Levy: 17.9°C, DP 17.7°C, 99%, ENE 0 G 4 km/h, Rain: 0.0mm, Pressure: 1011.9hPa Rising Slowly, Metar NZCH: Overcast Port Robinson: 19.4°C, DP 15.9°C, 80%, SSW 1 km/h, Rain: 0.0mm, Pressure: 998.9hPa Rising Slowly, Dry Rangiora: 18.2°C, DP 11.0°C, 63%, SE 9 G 14 km/h, Rain: 0.0mm, Pressure: 1004.1hPa Rising Slowly, Dry Stewart Island: 12.7°C, DP 9.2°C, 79%, N 2 G 7 km/h, Rain: 14.6mm, Pressure: 1007.9hPa Rising Slowly, Takaka - No current conditions report Waitikiri: 17.9°C, DP 15.4°C, 85%, NNE 5 G 3 km/h, Rain: 0.0mm, Pressure: 1002.4hPa Rising Slowly, Overcast Wanaka - No current conditions report Komoka, Canada: -9.9°C, DP -16.8°C, 75%, SSW 4 G 19 km/h, Rain: 0.0mm, Pressure: 1021.8hPa Falling Slowly,

Note: Click on the table column title to change the order of that column's values.


Dew Point
Trend Last
North Island Beachlands Metar NZAA: Few Clouds 19.9 12.9 64 NW Wind from NW 9 19 0.0
Steady 20:39:21
North Island Gisborne West 18.4 17.6 95 Wind from E 2 10 1.6
Steady 20:36:25
North Island Grey Lynn Clear 19.8 15.2 75 WSW Wind from WSW 11 4 0.0
1007.5Rising Slowly
Rising Slowly 20:40:05
North Island Hautere 19.0 16.2 84 NE Wind from NE 4 11 0.0
Steady 20:40:07
North Island Howick Metar NZAA: Few Clouds 20.1 15.7 76 WSW Wind from WSW 10 34 0.0
1006.4Rising Slowly
Rising Slowly 20:40:03
North Island Hunua Partly Cloudy 17.9 12.0 68 SSW Wind from SSW 7 3 0.0
1013.6Rising Slowly
Rising Slowly 20:40:04
North Island Kerikeri Clear 21.6 16.1 71 SSW Wind from SSW 0 0 0.0
1007.8Rising Slowly
Rising Slowly 20:39:58
North Island Lower Hutt Dry 20.4 16.4 78 NE Wind from NE 6 7 0.0
1011.3Rising Slowly
Rising Slowly 20:40:03
North Island Morrinsville Clear 19.7 14.7 73 SW Wind from SW 7 13 0.0
1000.8Rising Slowly
Rising Slowly 20:40:00
North Island Opotiki 20.5 18.6 89 Wind from N 0 0 0.0
Steady 20:40:10
North Island Otane 20.7 13.2 62 SSE Wind from SSE 3 6 0.0
Steady 20:40:09
North Island Palmerston North 18.1 14.6 80 Wind from W 9 18 0.0
Steady 20:40:09
North Island Pongakawa Clear 23.1 7.2 36 Wind from N 0 0 0.0
1004.6Rising Rapidly
Rising Rapidly 20:40:08
North Island Royal Oak Metar NZAA: Few Clouds 20.9 16.1 74 NW Wind from NW 5 16 0.0
Steady 20:40:03
North Island Sandy Bay, Port Charles 20.9 16.8 77 SW Wind from SW 6 18 0.0
Steady 20:30:12
North Island Taipuha Dry 19.2 17.4 89 Wind from W 6 5 0.0
1006.0Rising Slowly
Rising Slowly 20:39:47
North Island Taupiri 19.6 15.3 76 WNW Wind from WNW 3 13 0.0
Steady 20:40:11
North Island Te Awamutu 19.7 15.8 78 SW Wind from SW 0 0 0.0
Steady 20:40:09
North Island Waikawa Beach 19.3 16.7 85 NE Wind from NE 5 13 0.0
Steady 20:39:55
North Island Wairoa 19.7 11.5 59 SW Wind from SW 5 16 2.7
997.3Rising Slowly
Rising Slowly 20:39:26
North Island West Coast Road Overcast 18.9 15.2 79 Wind from W 21 23 0.0
Steady 20:40:17
South Island Arthurs Pass 13.5 11.9 90 WNW Wind from WNW 0 0.0
Rising 20:35:00
South Island Ashburton Overcast 16.2 13.5 84 Wind from S 3 4 0.0
1004.7Rising Slowly
Rising Slowly 20:40:15
South Island Bishopdale 16.3 -40.0 1 Wind from S 16 40 0.0
1004.0Rising Slowly
Rising Slowly 20:38:15
South Island Castle Hill Metar NZCH: Overcast 16.4 11.1 71 Wind from E 2 8 0.0
999.4Rising Rapidly
Rising Rapidly 20:40:05
South Island Dunedin 11.3 8.9 85 Wind from S 8 18 7.0
1006.6Rising Slowly
Rising Slowly 20:39:26
South Island Mahana Dry 21.0 11.9 56 Wind from W 0 4 0.0
1000.5Rising Slowly
Rising Slowly 20:40:12
South Island Makarewa Overcast 13.5 9.0 74 SW Wind from SW 8 5 27.4
1006.3Rising Slowly
Rising Slowly 20:40:09
South Island Marahau 22.9 8.9 41 SSE Wind from SSE 4 7 0.0
Steady 20:40:14
South Island Pakawau Sunny 19.3 16.7 85 SSW Wind from SSW 10 21 0.2
1002.9Rising Slowly
Rising Slowly 20:40:20
South Island Port Levy Metar NZCH: Overcast 17.9 17.7 99 ENE Wind from ENE 0 4 0.0
1011.9Rising Slowly
Rising Slowly 20:39:42
South Island Port Robinson Dry 19.4 15.9 80 SSW Wind from SSW 1 0 0.0
998.9Rising Slowly
Rising Slowly 20:40:02
South Island Rangiora Dry 18.2 11.0 63 SE Wind from SE 9 14 0.0
1004.1Rising Slowly
Rising Slowly 20:40:05
South Island Stewart Island 12.7 9.2 79 Wind from N 2 7 14.6
1007.9Rising Slowly
Rising Slowly 20:40:02
South Island Waitikiri Overcast 17.9 15.4 85 NNE Wind from NNE 5 3 0.0
1002.4Rising Slowly
Rising Slowly 20:40:24
World Komoka, Canada -9.9 -16.8 75 SSW Wind from SSW 4 19 0.0
1021.8Falling Slowly
Falling Slowly 20:40:27